Saturday, January 15, 2011

Esoteric Social Networking Site: Esoteric Online

A need for a platform of collaboration and communication in Sacred Sciences was recognized, these social networks were created to address this need.

At this time in our history, this type of collaboration is going to be crucial, as most who are interested in the Esoteric are forced to conform to a commercial enterprise in order to speak and be heard. Consciousness expansion as a whole is truly about community, and the spreading of ideas. It is our goal that Esoteric online could be the type platform where these aspects are expressed freely.

Lets bring together the best of what we all have to offer, and establish a foothold for information and collaboration in Sacred Sciences.

Register today and become part of what is sure to become the fastest growing social network for Esoteric material on the web. Be aware many of the options and menu items are not available to you until after registration.

Click To Go To The Esoteric Online

Tarot Deck Review: The DruidCraft tarot

The DruidCraft Tarot invites us on a journey to explore the traditional Tarot in the context of ancient Druidic tradition. We are led into lush green forests where we can commune with the trees and flowers, and experience the beauty and power of nature. Animals important in the Druid tradition meet us along the way.
Artist Will Worthingtons paintings are a visual feast of color and form that seem to glow as they come alive with story. The images most often follow the traditional RWS, but have far more depth and character. The symbolism that has been changed or added to is brilliantly executed and meaningful. There are several cards that are renamed, but the transition seems easy and natural once stepping upon the forest path.
You can almost see the trees breathe and hear them speak. Im convinced there is much wisdom they will unfold during the course of study and readings. The court cards have figures dressed in different plaids making me wonder if these also are purposefully placed. My sense is that although there is much information that the cards seem to contain upon first glance, there is just as much more yet to be revealed, and that study would be very rewarding.
The beautiful book that accompanies this deck skillfully bridges many systems showing their essential unity and universal truth. The inclusive point of view shared by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm makes the experience of studying and using this beautiful deck so much more meaningful to me.
In the book, the minor arcana cards are divided and listed by number rather than suit. There is a page of writing on each number along with Keywords and a Message. Each numbered card is then individually delineated. There are several useful and interesting diagrams showing the relationship of the 78 cards to the inner and outer self, the Seasons of the year, and Seasonal Celebrations promoting conscious continuity.
As practicing Druids themselves, the authors have much to share about their tradition. What they share is both informative and inspiring and adapts itself well within the tarot format enriching the experience.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Featured Alternative Researcher: Michael Tsarion

Born in Northern Ireland, Michael Tsarion is an expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America. He has made the deepest researches into Atlantis, the origins of evil, and the Irish origins of civilization. He is the author of the acclaimed books Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, and The Irish Origins of Civilization. He is the producer and presenter of the " Origins and Oracles" dvd series that explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge, and co-producer of the " Architects of Control" dvd series.

Michael gives outstanding presentations on the following subjects:
The Western Magical Tradition
The Hermetic Arts of Divination
Atlantis & the Prehistoric Ages
Ancient Ireland and the Druids
The Origins of Evil
Secret Societies
War on Consciousness
Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism
Symbolic Literacy
Psychic Vampirism

Four Life Changing Documentaries

Zeitgeist: The Movie, is a 2007 documentary film by Peter Joseph. It asserts a number of conspiracy theory-based ideas, including the Christ myth theory, alternative theories for the parties responsible for the September11th attacks and that bankers manipulate the international monetary system and the media in order to consolidate power.

Zeitgeist: Addendum, focuses further on the monetary system and advocates a resource-based social system influenced by the ideas of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.

The Esoteric Agenda: There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.

KymaticaSequel to the popular film Esoteric Agenda, this movie focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out a psychich disease that mankind has induced that is creating insane illusions which is allegedly the main cause of pain and suffering. Kymatica goes deeper into the metaphysical aspects of reality and connects ancient myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome. Explains shamanism, duality, and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs. Kymatica is another movie which attempts to point out the fundamental misconception that humankind are facing today that has resulted in imbalance between planet, nature and species. Made by filmmaker Ben Stewart.

Esoteric Hip Hop Group: The Lost children Of Babylon


The Lost Children Of Babylon Are A Spiritual Hip Hop Group Based In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Combining Underground Hip Hop With Esoteric Ideologies And Political Zeal, LCOB Has Gained A Worldwide Following. LCOB Has Released 4 Official Albums Within The Past Decade That Are All Currently Available Through Babygrande Records - "The Equidivium: Where Light Was Created", "Words From The Duat: The Book Of Anubis", "The 911 Report: The Ulitmate Conspiracy") And Their Latest Album, "Zeitgeist: The Spirit Of The Age" Which Was Released In Early 2010.


The Lost Children of Babylon are a Philadelphia based spiritual hip hop group. First displaying their eloquent skills on Jedi Mind Tricks’ first single, The Amber Probe in 1995 and tracks like “Chinese Water Torture”, “The Three Immortals”, “As It Was In The Beginning” and “Books of Blood - The Coming of Tan” from The Psycho-Social-Chemical-biological-and-Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness LP in 1997, Rasul Allahu (The Face Of The Golden Falcon) and The Breath Of Judah, laid the foundation that would later become LCOB. Shortly before the turn of the century, Rasul found himself on a different path than the Jedi Mind Tricks. Though the group’s reputation had been acknowledged for years, they had no physical manifestation of their work to show. Rasul began to rally the troops, calling upon The Breath of Judah, Richard Raw, Cosmic Crusader and Ancient Kemet. The band of shamans congregated in the studio and concocted the rhythmic mandala that is The Equidivium: Where Light Was Created.
For a very long time LCOB have been connected with the Wu Tang Killa Beez. Killah Priest, who has been a close friend and mentor of Rasul Allah since 1994, first introduced Rasul to the the Clan. Since then, LCOB has become officially affiliated with  the Black Market Militia, The Maccabeez, Royal Family, Killarmy and the Sunz of Man. Most do not realize that the affiliation with the Beez predates any existing relationship with Jedi Mind Tricks. Although no collaboration has been released yet, all of these connections will manifest on the anticipated upcoming releases The Scroll of Lost Tales: The Appendices and the Street Apostles Mixtape featuring Wu Tang Killa Beez.
Combining a unique poetic expression with the Right Knowledge spread by Dr. Malachi Z. York-El, the master teacher of the Nuwaubians, and a variety of culturally infused theories about the creation and ultimate destiny of the human soul, the rhymes displayed by the Lost Children of Babylon are considered super-conscious, to say the least. Nuwaubu is a belief system which encourages the correct translation and vigorous study of ancient texts which icorporates aspects of various cultures. Although interchangeable with the United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moores, it appeals to individuals of any race who are interested in diverse spiritual ideas and religious concepts. 
After The Equidivium: Where Light Was Created, LCOB followed up with Volume II of the Akashic Records, Words From The Duat: The Book Of Anubis, another spiritual classic produced by DJ Man E. Recently, the group has completed another two installments of the legacy of the Akashic Records, the upcoming The Appendices: The Scroll Of Lost Tales (Vol. IV)  and The 911 Report: The Ultimate Conspiracy (Vol. III) produced by Mad Scientific. The latter is a politically charged dynamo which is a departure from the esoteric tradition continued on The Appendices. These albums have enlisted the skills of Atun Sen Geb and Amun Sen Hotep Re and feature cameos from artists like Bad News and Goldilocks. Both of these projects are being released on Babygrande Records, making LCOB and Jedi Mind Tricks label-mates at last. LCOB continues to prove its worth in the battle field of underground hip hop, while maintaining their claim as the creators and protectors of true spiritual hip hop.

Click To Here View The Lost Children Of Babylon's Official Website