The DruidCraft Tarot invites us on a journey to explore the traditional Tarot in the context of ancient Druidic tradition. We are led into lush green forests where we can commune with the trees and flowers, and experience the beauty and power of nature. Animals important in the Druid tradition meet us along the way.
Artist Will Worthingtons paintings are a visual feast of color and form that seem to glow as they come alive with story. The images most often follow the traditional RWS, but have far more depth and character. The symbolism that has been changed or added to is brilliantly executed and meaningful. There are several cards that are renamed, but the transition seems easy and natural once stepping upon the forest path.
You can almost see the trees breathe and hear them speak. Im convinced there is much wisdom they will unfold during the course of study and readings. The court cards have figures dressed in different plaids making me wonder if these also are purposefully placed. My sense is that although there is much information that the cards seem to contain upon first glance, there is just as much more yet to be revealed, and that study would be very rewarding.
The beautiful book that accompanies this deck skillfully bridges many systems showing their essential unity and universal truth. The inclusive point of view shared by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm makes the experience of studying and using this beautiful deck so much more meaningful to me.
In the book, the minor arcana cards are divided and listed by number rather than suit. There is a page of writing on each number along with Keywords and a Message. Each numbered card is then individually delineated. There are several useful and interesting diagrams showing the relationship of the 78 cards to the inner and outer self, the Seasons of the year, and Seasonal Celebrations promoting conscious continuity.
As practicing Druids themselves, the authors have much to share about their tradition. What they share is both informative and inspiring and adapts itself well within the tarot format enriching the experience.
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